#88 - Compass, Hebi-Ichigo
Two small puzzles with some bite to them I wrote before bed last night. This is my first Hebi! Difficulty: 3/5 for both Compass (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing exactly one compass. A number in a compass indicates how many cells belong to its region that are further in the indicated direction than the compass itself. Play on puzzlink https://puzz.link/p?compass/8/8/i.1.2j1..3h4...h....g2...k.3..x....k1...g...1h3...h.2..j2...i Hebi-Ichigo (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Place numbers into some empty cells such that each orthogonally connected group forms a sequence of consecutive numbers from 1 to 5. Each number in the sequence must be orthogonally adjacent to the next. These groups may not share an edge with one another. The 1 in a sequence must not be able to see any numbers in a straight line in the direction it’s pointing (away from its adjacent 2) unless a clued cell blocks its view. A clue represents the first...