Over in the CTC discord server we run a daily pencil puzzle project called Genuinely Approachable Pencil Puzzles. We started this project in 2021 as a follow-up to the extremely popular Genuinely Approachable Sudoku project and haven't missed a day since. It features a daily puzzle that is almost always on the easy side, to introduce novice solvers to all kinds different genres and variants. The puzzles always come with a small example (included here) and time benchmarks to target for (not included here).
While I'm not part of the core author team, I tend to cover for main authors when they are absent for any period of time, whether it's a day, a few months or anything in between.
This post showcases, from newest to oldest, the puzzles I've written for GAPP. Difficulty for GAPP puzzles is all between 1/5 - 2/5.
Below the GAPP entries are my contributions to Mind The GAPP. This is a compilation PDF we release monthly, featuring all that month's puzzles but also many bonus puzzles. These are generally GAPP rejects and aren't necessarily of the same difficulty level as main GAPP puzzles. Difficulty for these puzzles is noted separately.
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GAPP puzzles
#68 - Wittgenstein Briquet - 13/12/2024
Locate some 1x3 blocks in the grid which may not overlap each other or the clues. A clue represents how many of the (up to) four surrounding cells are used by blocks. All cells which aren’t used by blocks must form one orthogonally connected area.
#67 - Spiral Galaxies (Hexagonal) - 08/12/2024
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly one circle in its centre and have 120° or 180° rotational symmetry about its centre.
#66 - Masyu (Alternating) - 03/12/2024
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some cells that passes through every circle. The loop must turn on black circles and travel straight through the cells on either side. The loop must go straight through white circles, and turn in at least one of the cells on either side. Two consecutively visited circles may not be of the same type.
#65 - Gemini Loop - 28/11/2024
Note: The table provided to keep track of shape-letter correspondence must be empty for answer check to work.
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all cells. Cells containing the same letter must be entered by the loop from the same directions. Cells containing different letters must not.
#64 - Parquet - 23/11/2024
In each bold region, entirely shade one subregion and leave all others unshaded such that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area with no loops. No 2x2 area may be entirely shaded.
#63 - LIX Loop - 18/11/2024
Shade some empty cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and draw a non-intersecting loop through the centres of all the remaining empty cells. L, I and X refer to cells containing a turn, cells containing a straight loop segment and shaded cells, respectively. Clues represent the majority of these cell types in a straight line in the indicated direction. If multiple cell types are tied for the majority, all of them are listed in the clue.
#62 - Double Marble - 13/11/2024
Draw two loops through the centers of some cells. The loops may intersect each other only in cells without circles, but may not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. The loops may not intersect themselves. One loop passes through all white circles, the other loop passes through all black circles.
#61 - Tapa (Aqre) - 08/11/2024
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. There may not exist a run of more than three consecutive shaded or unshaded cells horizontally or vertically anywhere in the grid.
#60 - Akari (Hexagonal) - 03/11/2024
Place lights in some cells so that every cell is illuminated. Lights illuminate the cell they are in as well as all cells seen in a straight line through all edges of their cell. Lights are obstructed by black cells. Lights may not illuminate each other. Clues represent the number of lights in the cells sharing an edge with the clue.
#59 - Koburin (Minesweeper) - 29/10/2024
Divide the grid into rectangular regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly one clue, the value of which represents the number of region borders or grid borders surrounding the clue.
#58 - Nawabari - 04/10/2024
Divide the grid into rectangular regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly one clue, the value of which represents the number of region borders or grid borders surrounding the clue.
#57 - Nurikabe (Triangular) - 29/09/2024
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 6-cell hexagon is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area.
#56 - Tapa (Palindrome) - 24/09/2024
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. The Xth cell from one direction of a line and the Xth cell from the other direction of that line must both be shaded or both be unshaded
#55 - Slitherlink (Tetromino) - 19/09/2024
Connect some pairs of orthogonally adjacent dots to form ten non-intersecting loops (five in the example) with exactly four cells on the inside, each corresponding to a shape from the bank given outside the grid, counting rotations and reflections as the same. Clues represent the number of edges drawn surrounding the clue (up to four).
#54 - Mochinyoro - 14/09/2024
Shade some cells so that all areas of orthogonally connected unshaded cells are rectangular. The unshaded rectangles must all be connected diagonally. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the number of cells in the unshaded area they belong to. An unshaded area of cells cannot contain more than one clue. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. All areas of orthogonally connected shaded cells must not be rectangular.
#53 - Snake (True False) - 09/09/2024
Shade some cells to form a non-intersecting path which does not touch itself, not even diagonally. Circles mark the ends of the path. If a cell with a number in it is unshaded, it must be true: the number represents how many shaded cells are in the indicated direction. If a cell with a number in it is shaded, it must be false: the number cannot be equal to the number of shaded cells in the indicated direction.
#52 - Fake Arrow - 04/09/2024
Draw a non-intersecting directed loop through the centers of some cells. The loop must pass straight through arrow cells, in the direction the arrow points at. However, in each outlined region, exactly one arrow is lying (which means the loop doesn't pass through the arrow, turns on that cell, or goes straight in the wrong direction). Lying arrows may not be horizontally or vertically adjacent.
#51 - Cave (Product) - 30/08/2024
Shade some cells so that the shaded cells are all connected orthogonally by other shaded cells to the edge of the grid, and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the product of the number of unshaded cells that can be seen in a straight line vertically and horizontally, including itself.
#50 - Haisu (Cairo Pentagonal) - 25/08/2024
Draw a non-intersecting path through the centers of all cells, starting from the S (start) and finishing at the G (goal). Each clued cell must be traveled through on the path’s Nth visit to the region the clue lies within, where N is the value of the clue.
#49 - Pata - 20/08/2024
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive unshaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. Clue cells are treated as unshaded. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded.
#48 - Icebarn - 15/08/2024
Draw a path through the centers of some cells, entering the grid at the “IN” marking and exiting at the “OUT” marking. The path must travel through all of the arrows in the indicated direction. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other only on icy cells, but they may not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. The path may not turn on icy cells, and each orthogonally connected group of icy cells must be passed through at least once.
#47 - Tren - 10/08/2024
Locate some train carriages in the grid, each of which is either 1x2 or 1x3 in size, which may not overlap each other. Each clue must be used by a carriage and each carriage must contain exactly one clue, the value of which represents how many different locations to which the carriage can be moved by sliding it in either direction of the short end without overlapping another carriage or going out of the grid. Staying stationary does not count as one of these locations.
#46 - Detour - 05/08/2024
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all cells. In each clued region, the loop must make the indicated number of turns.
#45 - Nurikabe-Like Loop - 31/07/2024
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some empty cells. Every orthogonally connected area of cells not visited by the loop contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area.
#44 - Point Plate - 26/07/2024
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells such that each region contains at most one number clue. Number clues represent how many cells are in the region the clue belongs to. Regions cannot be rectangular in shape and cannot cover 2x2s areas. Exactly three region borders extend from grid points marked with a dot, each separating different regions. Not all dots are necessarily given.
#43 - Hebi-Ichigo - 20/07/2024
Place numbers into some empty cells such that each orthogonally connected group forms a sequence of consecutive numbers from 1 to 5. Each number in the sequence must be orthogonally adjacent to the next. These groups may not share an edge with one another. The 1 in a sequence must not be able to see any numbers in a straight line in the direction it’s pointing (away from its adjacent 2) unless a clued cell blocks its view. A clue represents the first number seen in the indicated direction, up until the next clued cell in that direction.
The bottom right image illustrates how the "1 pointing away from the 2" part of the rules works, where the solid pink squares cannot contain numbers, whereas the dotted ones can.
#42 - Hakoiri-Masashi - 15/07/2024
Place some circles, triangles, and squares into the grid such that each cell contains at most one shape and the cells containing shapes form one orthogonally connected area. Each region must contain one of each shape. Two copies of the same shape may not touch one another, not even diagonally.
#41 - Pentopia - 10/07/2024
Shade some pentominoes of cells so that no pentominoes touch one another, not even diagonally. No two shaded pentominoes may be the same shape, counting rotations and reflections as the same. Clued cells cannot be shaded, and contain arrows indicating all of the orthogonal directions in which a shaded cell appears closest to the clued cell. At least one shaded cell must appear in the direction of an arrow.
#40 - Nutteria - 05/07/2024
Shade some cells such that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and each region contains exactly one unshaded cell. No 2x2 area may be entirely shaded. A clue represents how many of the (up to) four orthogonally adjacent cells are shaded.
#39 - Spokes - 30/06/2024
Draw straight lines connecting circles to other adjacent circles orthogonally and/or diagonally, such that lines do not intersect each other and all circles form one connected network. Clues indicate the number of lines extending from that clue in the (up to 8) possible directions.
#38 - Shingoki - 25/06/2024
Connect some pairs of orthogonally adjacent dots to form a single non-intersecting loop that passes through every circle. The loop must turn on black circles and go straight through white circles. A clue in a circle represents the sum of the lengths of the two line segments coming out of it.
#37 - Snake Wall - 20/06/2024
Place numbers into some cells such that all numbered cells form several one-cell wide non-branching paths with a length of at least two cells, which do not touch themselves orthogonally. Each number is equal to the length of the path containing it. Paths cannot pass through walls and cannot touch other paths orthogonally, except if they are separated by a wall. If a wall has a white dot on it, exactly one of the two cells it separates is used by a path. Not all dots are necessarily given.
#36 - Hotaru Beam - 15/06/2024
For each circle in the grid, draw a path starting from its black dot, moving along the gridlines, and ending at a circle (including potentially the same one it started at), but not on the side containing another black dot. Paths may not cross themselves, each other, or pass through circles. A number in a circle represents how many turns the path exiting from its dot will make. All circles must be joined by paths to form one connected network.
#35 - Stostone - 10/06/2024
Shade a single group of orthogonally connected cells in each region. A shaded cell in one region cannot share an edge orthogonally with a shaded cell in a different region. Regions with numbers must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. If all of the shaded groups were to fall straight down without changing shape, they must completely fill the bottom half of the grid.
#34 - Akari (Myopia) - 05/06/2024
Place lights into some empty cells so that every cell is illuminated. Lights illuminate the cell they are in as well as all cells seen in a straight line horizontally or vertically, not obstructed by a black cell. Lights may not illuminate each other. Clued cells containing arrows indicate all of the orthogonal directions in which a light appears closest to the clued cell.
#33 - Tatamibari - 31/05/2024
Divide the grid into rectangular regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing exactly one clue. A plus shaped clue means that the region it belongs to is a square. A line shaped clue means that the region it belongs to is a rectangle with the longer edge parallel to the line. Region borders may not form any four-way intersections.
#32 - Linesweeper (Cairo Pentagonal) - 26/05/2024
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some empty cells. Clues represent how many of the (up to) seven cells surrounding the clue are used by the loop.
Note that diagonally touching cells also count towards the clues!
#31 - Nuribou - 21/05/2024
Shade some cells so that each orthogonally connected area of shaded cells is in the shape of a one-wide (1xN) rectangle. Rectangles of the same length may not touch diagonally. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area.
#30 - Nanro (Signpost) - 16/05/2024
Place a number into some cells so that all cells with numbers form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely numbered. Each region must contain at least one numbered cell, and every number in the region must be equal to how many numbered cells the region contains. A clue in a region represents how many numbered cells are in the region. Two cells containing the same number may not share a region border.
#29 - Scrin - 11/05/2024
Shade some cells so that each orthogonally connected area of shaded cells is in the shape of a rectangle. The shaded rectangles must all form a single loop through diagonal connections, with no branches. All cells with circles must be shaded and must belong to different shaded rectangles. If a circle contains a number, its shaded rectangle must contain the indicated number of cells.
#28 - Pentomino Room - 06/05/2024
Shade one pentomino (a contiguous region of five cells) in each outlined 3x3 area, such that every pentomino from the shape bank given outside the grid is used exactly once. Rotating and reflecting shapes is allowed. An equality (=) sign indicates the two cells adjacent to it are either both shaded or both unshaded. An inequality sign (≠) indicates that of the two cells adjacent to it, exactly one is shaded. Cells containing a cross mark cannot be shaded.
#27 - Cave - 01/05/2024
Shade some cells so that the shaded cells are all connected orthogonally by other shaded cells to the edge of the grid, and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the total number of unshaded cells that can be seen in a straight line vertically or horizontally, including itself.
#26 - Loop (Pentomino Walls) - 26/04/2024
Shade some cells and draw a non-intersecting loop that passes through the centers of all remaining unshaded cells. All shaded cells must be pentominoes (contiguous regions of five cells) that do not touch other pentominoes, not even diagonally. Each pentomino must contain exactly one letter clue, corresponding to the shape of the pentomino, counting rotations and reflections as the same.
#25 - Mukkonn Enn (Hexagonal) - 21/04/2024
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all cells. When the loop exits a clued cell from a side with a number, it must travel in a straight line for exactly the indicated number of cells (turning on the Nth cell, where N is the value of the clue). A number does not necessarily mean that the clue must be exited from its side.
#24 - Sansa Road - 04/04/2024
Shade some cells so that the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. No 2x2 region may be entirely unshaded. All unshaded cells have exactly two or three unshaded orthogonal neighbours. Triangles mark every unshaded cell with three unshaded neighbours. A black circle indicates there are more shaded cells than unshaded cells among the cells the circle overlaps. A white circle indicates there are more unshaded cells. A grey circle indicates there is an equal amount of unshaded and shaded cells.
#23 - Wataridori - 29/02/2024
Draw non-intersecting paths through the centers of some cells with circles at both ends of each path (and none in between). Numbers, if given, indicate how many regions the corresponding path travels through. Each path may visit each region at most once.
Note: While the original rules appear to not allow unclued circles to pair up with each other, this is allowed in this puzzle!
#22 - Fillomino (No Rectangles) - 29/01/2024
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Two regions of the same size may not share an edge. Clued cells must belong to a region containing the indicated number of cells. Regions may not be rectangular in shape.
#21 - Barcode - 21/12/2023
Draw some vertical and horizontal lines of length 1 along the gridlines. Lines cannot touch each other. Numbers outside the grid represent the number of consecutive vertical lines in that row or consecutive horizontal lines in that column. If more than one number is given, the groups of lines corresponding to the clues must appear in that order, with at least one empty gridline separating each group.
#20 - Block Maze - 17/11/2023
Draw a non-intersecting path through the centers of some cells, starting from the S (start) and finishing at the G (goal). In each bolded grey region, exactly N cells are visited by the path. The value of N is given outside the grid.
#19 - Reflect Link - 27/10/2023 (Part of GAPP's 2 year anniversary set)
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some cells. Two perpendicular line segments must cross each other at given intersections, but nowhere else. Every triangle must be touched by the loop. Triangles reflect the loop at right angles, and a number in a triangle indicates the total number of cells that the lines coming out of it travel to before turning, including the cell the triangle is in.
#18 - Tile City - 31/7/2023
Shade some cells such that each region is either fully shaded or fully unshaded. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Each group of orthogonally connected unshaded regions must contain exactly one region of each size, from a region with only one cell up to the largest region in the group. Regions containing numbers must be unshaded, and the number represents the size of the largest region in its group.
#17 - Shimenawa - 14/6/2023
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some empty cells. A clue on the bottom of a blocked cell indicates how many cells in a straight line below it are used by the loop until the edge of the grid or another blocked cell. A clue on the right side of a blocked cell indicates how many cells in a straight line to its right are used by the loop until the edge of the grid or another blocked cell.
#16 - Patchwork - 9/6/2023
Divide the grid into square regions of orthogonally connected cells and shade some white cells black. Cells separated by a region border may not both be black or both be white. Grey cells have no such restriction. A number in a region indicates how many black cells the region contains.
#15 - Sandwich* - 4/6/2023
*Since its GAPP appearance this genre has been renamed by the author and can now also be found as Trizone.
Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and divide the remaining unshaded cells into three-cell regions. Each region must contain exactly one numbered cell, which indicates how many shaded cells the region is orthogonally adjacent to.
#14 - Nurikabe [Pairs] - 30/5/2023
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly two clues and has an area equal to the sum of the clues.
#13 - Sashikazune* - 25/5/2023
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must be an L shape with a width of one cell. A number indicates how many cells are between itself and the cell where the region bends, including both the cell with the clue itself and the cell with the bend in the count. Regions cannot contain more than 3 number clues.
*Since its GAPP appearance the rules of this genre have been corrected (the original rules were wrongly translated). Other sashikazune puzzles are likely to use the rule "Regions cannot contain more than 2 number clues".
#12 - Greater Wall - 14/5/2023
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Where given, clues outside indicate all connected groups of shaded cells in that row or column, in the correct order. Relationship indicators between two clues apply to the lengths of the corresponding groups of shaded cells.#11 - Raneko - 8/5/2023
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly one circle. A number in a circle represents how many cells are in the region the circle belongs to. Shaded cells are not part of any region, and indicate how many regions share an edge with that cell.
#10 - Tapa [Big Clues] - 27/4/2023
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in all of the cells which touch the clue orthogonally or diagonally. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded.
#9 - Island - 3/4/2023
Shade some cells such that the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. A clue indicates how many unnumbered unshaded cells it can reach by moving horizontally and vertically without traveling through any other numbered cells or shaded cells. Clues cannot be shaded.
#8 - Tatebo-Yokobo - 19/3/2023
Place a horizontal or vertical line segment into each white cell, connecting the centers of two opposite edges of the cell. Line segments joined at their ends form longer lines. A clue in a black cell represents how many lines point into it. A clue in a white cell represents the length of the line passing through it. Each line passes through at most one clue.
#7 - Linesweeper - 28/2/2023
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some empty cells. Clues represent how many of the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue are used by loop.
#6 - Guide Arrow - 7/2/2023
Shade some empty cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Unshaded cells cannot form a loop and cannot entirely cover a 2x2 area. A cell with an arrow indicates the only direction in which the unshaded cells can travel from that cell to the star, without going through a shaded cell or backtracking.
#5 - Sea Serpent - 6/1/2023
Shade some cells to form a non-intersecting path which does not touch itself orthogonally. Circles mark the ends of the path. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the total number of shaded cells that appear in the indicated directions.
#4 - Four Winds - 11/12/2022
Draw one or more straight arrows extending from each clue. A clue indicates the sum of the lengths of the arrows extending from it. Arrows may not cross each other or clued cells.
* All cells must be reached by an arrow in this puzzle.
#3 - Line of Sight - 31/10/2022
Connect some pairs of orthogonally adjacent dots to form a single non-intersecting loop. A clue represents the length of the first straight line segment seen in the indicated direction.
#2 - Paoland - 16/8/2022
Draw a single network consisting only of black or white circles from each hexagon to a given circle of the corresponding colour. Only one of each hexagon’s orthogonally adjacent cells contains a circle. Networks cannot touch each other orthogonally, except at the given locations. Black circle networks must contain at least twice as many cells as the white circle networks they are connected to. There is no other restriction on networks (i.e. they can branch, hit dead ends, travel further than needed, etc).
Outside clues indicate the number of black and white circles in that row or column.
There must be at least one empty cell in every 2x2 area in the grid.
#1 - Disconnection - 5/1/2022
Shade some cells to form a single connected area of shaded cells. Each region must contain exactly two separate sections of the single connected area. No 2x2 area can be entirely shaded.
Mind the GAPP
Volume 37: Double Marble
Difficulty 2/5
Draw two loops through the centers of some cells. The loops may intersect each other only in cells without circles, but may not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. The loops may not intersect themselves. One loop passes through all white circles, the other loop passes through all black circles.
Volume 30: Loop (Pentomino Walls)
Difficulty 2.5/5
Shade some cells and draw a non-intersecting loop that passes through the centers of all remaining unshaded cells. All shaded cells must be pentominoes (contiguous regions of five cells) that do not touch other pentominoes, not even diagonally. Each pentomino must contain exactly one letter clue, corresponding to the shape of the pentomino, counting rotations and reflections as the same.
Volume 18: Island
Difficulty 2/5
Shade some cells such that the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. A clue indicates how many unnumbered unshaded cells it can reach by moving horizontally and vertically without traveling through any other numbered cells or shaded cells. Clues cannot be shaded.
Volume 17: Equality
Difficulty 3/5
Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some cells which passes through each region at least twice. Every visit to a particular region must occupy an equal number of cells. A clue in a region indicates the number of cells which are not visited by the loop.
Volume 16: Ice Walk
Difficulty 3.5/5
Draw a loop through the centers of some cells which passes through each numbered cell. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other only on icy cells, but they may not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. The loop may not turn on icy cells. A number indicates how many cells make up the continuous non-icy section of the loop that the number is on.
Volume 14: Koburin
Difficulty 3/5
Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all the remaining empty cells. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the number of shaded cells orthogonally adjacent to it.
Volume 12: Tapa
Difficulty 2.5/5
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue.
Volume 10: Double Choco
Difficulty 2/5
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing a connected group of white cells and a connected group of grey cells, with the property that the shape of the white cells is identical to the shape of the grey cells, allowing rotations and reflections. Clued cells must belong to a region containing the indicated number of white cells and the indicated number of grey cells.
Volume 3: Chocolate Banana
Difficulty 2/5
Shade some cells so that all areas of orthogonally connected shaded cells are rectangular and all areas of orthogonally connected unshaded cells are not rectangular. A clue represents the size of its group of shaded/unshaded cells.
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