#88 - Compass, Hebi-Ichigo

Two small puzzles with some bite to them I wrote before bed last night. This is my first Hebi!

Difficulty: 3/5 for both


(rules from Puzzle Rules)
Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing exactly one compass. A number in a compass indicates how many cells belong to its region that are further in the indicated direction than the compass itself.

Play on puzzlink


(rules from Puzzle Rules)
Place numbers into some empty cells such that each orthogonally connected group forms a sequence of consecutive numbers from 1 to 5. Each number in the sequence must be orthogonally adjacent to the next. These groups may not share an edge with one another. The 1 in a sequence must not be able to see any numbers in a straight line in the direction it’s pointing (away from its adjacent 2) unless a clued cell blocks its view. A clue represents the first number seen in the indicated direction. Clues cannot see through each other.

Play on puzzlink



  1. lol, I love how puzz.link currently displays difficulties as 1 for the Compass and 5 for Hebi. Felt the opposite to me. Than again, I usually don't like Compass, but this was fantastic.


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