#51 - Disconnection / Tapa

Another one of these hybrids between Disconnection and Tapa. I've been made aware this was also known as Tapa (Double Back) in previous TVCs, but honestly I think the association with Disco nnectionworks better since those are both shading genres. In any case, the puzzle shouldn't be too hard, hopefully it's fun! Difficulty: 2.5/5 (rewritten version of base rules for Tapa and Disconnection, both of which are taken from Puzzle Rules ) Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Each region must contain exactly two separate orthogonally connected groups of shaded cells. No 2x2 area may be entirely shaded. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. Play on penpa https://tinyurl.com/y896jl96