#65 - IPC 2022 Puzzle Collection

Like ìn 2021, I was invited to write puzzles for the Indian Puzzle Championship again this year. This was a great experience last year and writing for 'official sources' such as the IPC and Pulze continues to be one of my favorite parts of puzzle setting, so naturally I jumped at the opportunity. This year I supplied 6 puzzles, which can be found in this post, in order of appearance throughout the rounds. This post only contains the puzzles I wrote for the contest. Unlike last year, when IPC took place online, the full sets aren't available for free, but instead can be obtained for a small price which helps LMI cover the costs incurred to organize the live event and continue to organize them in the future. The full set contains all the puzzle rounds, each of which are stacked with high quality puzzles by fantastic authors, as well as bonus content like the PR Playoff puzzles and a giant interconnected puzzle gift. If you are able to, I highly recommend purchasing the full...