
#103 - IPC 2024 puzzle collection

Another year, another contribution to the Indian Puzzle Championship! This marks my 4th year in a row contributing to this event. I contributed 5 puzzles this year, which can be found in this post,  along with some rejects and leftovers . Like last year this post only contains the puzzles I wrote for the contest. The full IPC set can be purchased for a small price which helps LMI cover the costs incurred to organize the live event and continue to organize them in the future.  The full set contains all puzzle rounds, full of high quality puzzles, as well as bonus content like the PR Playoff puzzles and a giant interconnected puzzle gift. If you are able to, do consider purchasing the set. More information available  here  (IPC) and  here  (ISC) . Rules are included in the Penpa links, otherwise please refer to  Puzzle Rules . #1 - Star Battle - Round 1 - 30/500 points - Solve on  Penpa Mostly going for a clean theme and a not too difficult solve path. I quite like how this puzzle came o

#102 - Wafusuma

I was writing a Wafusuma for a project I'm contributing to and while doing so got the idea to try this set-up. It's a little gimmicky and I didn't put too much effort into it (this was the first location I tried for the rectangles - I did have to tweak the values though) but I think it turned out cute enough to publish it. There's probably a mean counting puzzle hiding in a different version of this idea as well. Difficulty - 2.5/5 (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Two regions of the same size may not share an edge. Borders must separate two different regions. A number on a border indicates the total number of cells contained in the two regions it separates. Solve on

#101 - UKPC 2024 puzzle collection

After supplying a round to the  offline portion of this year's UK championships , I was also invited to author some puzzles for the online event. This took place a while back, but I never got around to uploading the puzzles - here they are! I supplied five puzzles this time, of which three are in the first round and the other two in the second.  Be sure to also check out the other puzzles here (round 1) and here (round 2) . The puzzles are all good fun! Rues are included in the penpa links for all the puzzles. Enjoy! Round 1 Puzzle 1 - Balance Loop - 26/470 points I mostly went for a striking visual theme in this one. A consequence of the lay-out I chose was that the break-in was a bit hard to find - some solvers had trouble getting started. It should be mostly smooth sailing after finding the correct entry point. Puzzle 2 - Araf - 36/470 points Not really any theme - this was a last minute addition to have some more Region

#100 - Shading Mashup

Last week, the GAPP project in the CTC server reached its 1000th day. To celebrate, the authors (myself included) collaborated on a large shading mashup, which was very positively received by many of our solvers. Feel free to check out the puzzle here , if you are in the CTC discord. Since my 100 blog entries milestone was also coming up, and I never ended up writing a big puzzle when I reached 1000 puzzles authored, I decided to write another puzzle on the same grid we used for GAPP1K, with the same genres and (mostly the same) rules, but without the difficulty cap. I expected the puzzle to take longer to finish, but it seems I got into a groove, and here it is!  Overall I'm very happy with it - I managed to preserve symmetry in all grids except the Half Piece one (where it really wasn't working out no matter what I tried) and built in lots of cool interactions between the various genres.  This puzzle is a fair bit more difficult and narrow than the GAPP one, so if you want to

#99 - Chocolate Banana

PuzzleDuel added Choco Banana to its genre selection yesterday. Apparently it was also World Chocolate Day. Two fine excuses to doodle a little puzzle!  Also, the next blog entry will be #100. I never ended up writing a big puzzle when I reached 1000 puzzles authored a while back, so maybe this time around I'll find the time to write something 🤞. Difficulty: 2.5/5 (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Shade some cells so that all areas of orthogonally connected shaded cells are rectangular and all areas of orthogonally connected unshaded cells are not rectangular. A clue represents the size of its group of shaded/unshaded cells. Solve on

#98 - Canal View / LITS

A fairly simple proof of concept that I wrote last night, to see if this combination works well and is worth diving into more in the future. I think it does! Difficulty: 2.5/5 (Base Canal View and LITS rules from Puzzle Rules ) Shade one tetromino of cells in each region so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded. Two tetrominoes of the same shape may not touch orthogonally, counting rotations and reflections as the same. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the number of shaded cells connected in a straight line horizontally or vertically to the clue. Solve on Penpa

#97 - 2024 24HPC recap + practice puzzles

I went to participate in the 24 hour puzzle championship in Budapest again last weekend!  This was the 21st edition of the event, and it was my second time participating after my debut last year, in which I ranked 18th. This time I ranked 13th , so a solid improvement! Looking at the attendee list before the event, I thought my best possible result would be 12th, but also felt like I should be getting at least 14th. So, just like in 2023's WPC, I finished exactly where I predicted ahead of the event. Ironically, I didn't receive points for two puzzles that I solved fine, but only noticed it after the event was concluded - had I gotten them, I would have jumped to 12th place... :suseyes: Like last year, the event was tons of fun and a fantastic experience. I wasn't sure for a long while whether I would attend, as the tournament coincided with the Dutch championships. Since I intend to participate in WSPC later this year and our championships serve as the selection process f

#96 - 2x Balance Loop (Inequality), 2x Shakashaka

All the way back in October 2022, at WSPC in Krakow, Murat and I had the idea to organise an online contest with a special theme, meant to make solvers do a double take while solving: All puzzles were to be doppelgangers, or puzzles with a similar twist (such as expanding the grid without altering the clues, or inversing clues, like the puzzles below).  Besides the very strict theming, all the puzzles also needed to be fit for a contest and span a suitable difficulty range. Ultimately this lead to many failed attempts and many many hours spent on trying to get pairs of puzzles right. We managed to get to 12 finished puzzles for the contest before we lost the motivation to spend more time on it. We've been sitting on the puzzles ever since, waiting for inspiration to strike again one day, but unfortunately it never did and recently we decided to therefore abandon the project. A shame, but the positive is I get to showcase some of the puzzles I wrote for it here instead.  Revisiting