
Showing posts from August, 2024

#101 - UKPC 2024 puzzle collection

After supplying a round to the  offline portion of this year's UK championships , I was also invited to author some puzzles for the online event. This took place a while back, but I never got around to uploading the puzzles - here they are! I supplied five puzzles this time, of which three are in the first round and the other two in the second.  Be sure to also check out the other puzzles here (round 1) and here (round 2) . The puzzles are all good fun! Rues are included in the penpa links for all the puzzles. Enjoy! Round 1 Puzzle 1 - Balance Loop - 26/470 points I mostly went for a striking visual theme in this one. A consequence of the lay-out I chose was that the break-in was a bit hard to find - some solvers had trouble getting started. It should be mostly smooth sailing after finding the correct entry point. Puzzle 2 - Araf - 36/470 points Not really any theme - this was a last minute addition to have some more Region