#90 - Heyawake
A little heyawake with a 01234 theme I doodled in pzprrt earlier today. I'm aware pzprrt can be synonymous with 'no logic exists' but this one has a fun and fair path through. Mostly posting this here though because a few posts back I wrote that I'd be posting my new puzzles on this blog now that puzz.link doesn't scrape twitter anymore, but since then LMI has launched its new Puzzle Expo platform. I've been posting my puzzles there since, so if you want to keep up with my recent work and you haven't looked around Expo yet, definitely do so! Difficulty: 2/5 (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Numbered regions must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. A line of consecutive unshaded cells may not cross more than one bold border. Play on puzz.link https://puzz.link/p?heyawake/10/10/akl9ail5aakl9ail5a00006c00vv006c000041...