#80 - Mukkonn Enn

A puzzle in a genre that has recently been getting some attention. It's my first time writing one, and while I'm happy with how it came out, it is a somewhat atypical solve - a result of getting carried away with the theme a bit. Difficulty: 2.5/5 (rules from GM Puzzles ) Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through the center of all cells, including clue cells; the loop may either go straight through or turn at each clue. Each clue cell is divided into four sections; if a number is present in a section and the loop travels in that direction, then the number represents the length of the straight loop segment in that direction, measured from the clue cell to the cell where the loop turns. If the loop does not travel in that direction, then the number means nothing. Play on penpa https://tinyurl.com/2n3uy2ut