#79 - Two Rail Pools
Now that pzprxs is merged into puzz.link, I suppose I should really be tweeting these instead of posting them here, but so much time and effort went into these two puzzles that I feel they deserve a space on here. Rail Pool is quickly becoming a favorite - the genre has so many different setups to explore and seemingly endless amounts of fun logic to discover. The first puzzle was a battle against uniqueness. Clueing only two columns was my self-imposed theme and I initially wanted only 4 regions, but I couldn't find a setup that worked well without introducing bypasses or making the puzzle too trivial. I opted for 6 regions in the end, which ended up being a good decision - I'm really happy with this puzzle in particular. This second puzzle was originally a 11x14 grid (a result of playing around with different dimensions to find a size that worked well with my starting setup) that looked a bit weird. I reworked it into a 12x12 the next day, which works nicely. Difficulty: 3...