#74 - Rail Pool
The rail pools were some of my favorite puzzles in WPC, so I felt like writing another one for myself. I wasn't going to go for the empty middle initially but the original clue layout I chose made it almost resolve uniquely already, so I tweaked it a bit until it worked out. Difficulty: 3/5 (rules from Puzzle Rules ) Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all cells. Clues represent the different lengths of the straight line segments that are at least partially contained within the region. Each number within a region must be represented by at least one line segment. Play on pzprxs https://pzprxs.vercel.app/p?railpool/10/10/m123n124w12t145s23zy34zk12p123qcd8l0k0o1g3050l2m6bqk5o3000000o3k5bq