#54 - Kurotto Kingdom - Bonus puzzle pack and solution videos

Kurotto Kingdom has come to an end! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the contest! Whether you solved just a few of the puzzles, fought your way through all of them or woke up in the middle of the night to rack up those earlybird points, I appreciate everyone that found time in their daily schedules to solve my puzzles. I hope you all enjoyed the puzzles and learned a bit (or a lot) about Kurotto in the process. My congratulations to IHNN / Jeffrey Bardon for winning the event, PuzzleMaestro / Freddie Hand for getting second place and EKBM / Ken Endo for taking home third place. Absolutely stellar performances. The past 3 weeks for me were filled with replay upon replay upon replay. Watching you all solve the puzzles I wrote and reading your feedback has been an incredibly exciting experience, as well as one which taught me a lot. Seeing solvers find my exact intended path through puzzles was an absolute joy, but it certainly was just as, if not more int...