#91 - Pipelink

A classic pipelink, my first (serious) attempt at writing one. Aesthetically it could have been a bit better, though I mostly focused on trying to force the logic I wanted and not having it be an autopilot solve.

Off topic, I'm very close to reaching 1000 puzzles authored (following my completely arbitrary counting system)! I'll be setting a giant mash-up some time soon and posting it here, so keep an eye out on my blog for that :)

Difficulty: 2.5/5

(rules from Puzzle Rules)
Draw a loop through the centers of all cells. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other, but not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. A clue shows how the loop crosses through the cell it’s in.

Solve on puzz.link


  1. >I'll be setting a giant mash-up some time soon and posting it here

    Sounds great (or terrifying!) Can't wait either way :D


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