#68 - Cross the Streams

I wrote this puzzle a few months ago - my first experience writing the genre. I kept it on the backlog for a while, but with the implementation of the genre over on pzprxs, now seems like a good opportunity to release it.

There was a bit of discussion about whether rows/columns are allowed to be unclued to indicate no information given, or need to have a wildcard. There seemed to be arguments supporting both sides, but no clear consensus. While the implementation (now) allows for both options, I think my stance for this genre in particular is that because wildcards exist, they should be given, rather than not give any clue at all. Even if zero r/cs are completely pointless and even if for this puzzle it kind of breaks the aesthetic.

Difficulty: 3/5

(rules from Puzzle Rules)
Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Clues outside the grid represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the corresponding row or column, in order. A question mark represents one block of an unknown number of cells. An asterisk represents any number of blocks of shaded cells, including none at all.

Play on pzprxs
