#26 - Tapa-Like Loop (Rotational Symmetry)

   A variant Tapa-Like Loop puzzle. I created this puzzle on 27 July, 2021. It was my entry to a speedsetting contest in the CTC discord revolving around loop puzzles with rotationally symmetrical regions. We were allowed to add one rule into the prompt, I chose a tapa-like loop aspect. The puzzle took first place.

Difficulty: 2/5

(TLL rules from Eric Fox' Puzzle Rules)

Draw a single non-intersecting, non-crossing and non-branching loop in the grid. The loop must travel through all grey areas and must follow a rotationally symmetric path in each grey area. 

Numbers inside grey regions indicate how many cells in the area are used by the loop. 

Clues in the grid are regular tapa-like loop clues: Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some empty cells. Clues represent the numbers of consecutive cells occupied by the loop each time it enters the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue.

Solve on penpa
