#12 - Masyu (Unique Clones)
Another Masyu puzzle with a twist. I created this puzzle on 3 June, 2021, for the June monthly puzzle prompt in the CTC discord. The prompt was themed around dedications, and as I maintain the bot that does most of the heavy lifting behind the scenes in the server, I thought it would be cheeky to post a puzzle 'as the bot'.
Difficulty: 3/5
(Regular Masyu rules from GM Puzzles)
Draw a single, non-intersecting loop that passes through all circled cells. The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, with a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before/after each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before/after each black circle.
Additionally, identical letters must have identical loop path characteristics (i.e. follow one of six possible paths, or be an unused cell). The same loop path characteristics cannot be used by different letters.
You can draw the loop path characteristics in the chart below to keep track, however for the answer checker to trigger the charts below the grid must be empty.
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